Sunday, December 28, 2008


Xmas is done and over with, including the pre-xmas birthday visit down south to my SO's parents, as his grandmom turned 80.

Her gifts:

A close up of the last minute wristies I made her from KnitPicks Shadow (yarn held double)

And the lady herself, wearing her new cape:

Joulu ompi ohi, mukaanlukien joulua edeltänyt synttärivierailu etelä-Norjaan ukon vanhempien luona. Juhlakalu 80-vee (40-vee kuten hän itse jaksoi muistuttaa), sai meiltä keepin, sukat ja ranteenlämmittimet. Jälkimmäiset syntyivät vielä viime tingassa kaksinkertaisesta KnitPicks Shadowsta. Alimmassa kuvassa rouva itse keeppeineen ja keppeineen :)

My lovely SO got me KnitPicks Options luxus set, of which I began knitting with already on xmas eve :) I am finishing off my wip's now that all the gift-knitting is over, now working on my Apres Surf Hoodie. Body was done already, now I'm on the sleeves, 2 @ a time, and making them extra long.

Rakas ukkoni oli ostanut minulle KnitPicksin Options luksus-setin, jolla aloin vimmatusti kutoa tietysti heti aattoiltana. Nyt kun tuo joululahjaneulonta on ohi, saan vihdoin keskittyä omiin keskeneräisiin projekteihin, joista ensimmäisenä työnalle päätyi Apres Surf Hoodie. Siitä olikin jo etu- ja takakpl valmiina, ja nyt on menossa molemmat hihat samalla kertaa, ja ylipitkinä oman maun mukaan.

One xmas card was left out from the previous post, but now when it's already received, I can blog it as well :) Sarda got an angel hangy -thing, with decoupage-technique.

Yhden kortin jätin bloggaamati, mutta nyt kun se on jo saajalleen ehtinyt, niin tässä vielä Sardan saama enkuli-roikotin (decoupage).

And this baa found its way in Linn's packet, grazing on the green of her baret :)

Ja tämmönen pässi vielä hyppäsi Linn'n pakettiin, kun siellä ollut baretti oli niin ruohonväristä :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I am NOT a christmas-person - EN ole jouluihminen

...but the few cards are a "hafto" and gift-knitting I don't mind. Here's the compulsory xmas cards this year.

...mutta ne muutamat joulukortit on pakko lähettää, ja lahjojen kutominen taas on ihan kivaa. Tässä olisi ne tämän vuoden pakolliset joulukortit.

And then to the gifts: it's okay, recipients don't read my blog
Ja sitten ne lahjukset

Lady's Circular Cape in Shell Pattern by Jane Sowerby from Victorian Lace Today.
This is for my SO's grandmom, a combined birthday / xmas present.
Tämä on yhdistetty syntymäpäivä- ja joululahja ukon isomummolle.

Needles: 4.5mm Addi Turbo Lace 100cm
Yarn: Knit Picks Shadow (vineyard heather), 2.5 skeins

Tablecloth for my FMIL, 34 cm
Anoppikokelaalle pieni pöytäliina

Needles: 2.5mm
Yarn: Gjestal Maxi, 19g

Black fingerless gloves for my FFIL
Appiukkokokelaalle mustat kynsikkäät jämä-seiskaveikasta

Needles: 3.25mm + 3.5mm
Yarn: Novita 7-veljestä

2 pairs of wristies for my FSIL (these she ordered from me)
Kaksi paria ranteenlämmittimiä ukon siskolla, tosin nämä se tilasi etukäteen ja tietää tulevaksi.

Needles: 3.5mm
Yarn: Filcolana Arwetta

and Sweet Honey Beret from IK winter 2009 as a surprise for my FSIL
Tämmönen sitten yllätysmomenttina

Needles: 3.75mm + 5.5mm
Yarn: Dalegarn Baby Ull + DROPS Alpaca

Ribbing: Baby ull held double on 3.75mm needles. Honeycomb-pattern: baby ull held together with alpaca on 5.5 mm needles. Rose crocheted according to vintage Irish rose pattern, from leftover Drops Alpaca with some pearls added to the center and a safety pin sewn to the back so it can be unfastened and used as a brooch.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ulkosuomalaisen toivelista flunssakauteen...

Säästöpaketti Balsam-Nessuja
Sitruunanmakuista Finrexiniä
Mintunmakuisia Bafucineja

Täältä ei saa kuin tyhmiä taskupaketteja Kleenexejä, flunssajuomasta särkylääkkeellä ja C-vitamiinilla eivät olleet apteekissa kuulleetkaan ja paikalliset "Strepsilsit" ovat nimeltään Repsilsejä eikä niissä ole ollenkaan desinfioivaa ainesosaa. Ovat siis käytännössä vain isoja sokerikarkkeja. Ja muutenkin, Bafucinit auttoivat paremmin.

Itseasiassa hamstrasinkin kaikkea listalla vuosi sitten muuttaessani, mutta Nessut ja Bafusinit loppuivat jo viime talven lentsukaudella...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Postimaksuista (only in Finnish today)

Pääsin mukaan SNY 2009 kevät -kierrokselle, jee \o/

Osallistuisin niin kovin mielelläni myös noihin ulkomaisiin Secret Pal -vaihtoihin, mutta kun tämä Norjan postilaitoksen hinnoittelupolitiikka ei oikein suosi rinkejä, joissa vaaditaan seurantakoodi / rekisteröinti paketille. Viime kesän uudistuksen jälkeen kaikki B5-kuorta suurempi ja yli 2 senttiä paksu paketti ulkomaille kirjattuna maksaa 300 nok, eli valuuttakurssista hiukan riippuen 30-36 euroa, painosta riippumatta. Ja kirjattu kirje on siis ainoa tapa tässä maassa saada paketille rekisteröinti ja seurantakoodi.

Vertailun vuoksi kerrottakoon, että kallein tariffi Suomen postilla on 43,40 euroa, jolla voi lähettää 1,5-2 kilon painoisen paketin MINNE TAHANSA maailmaa KIRJATTUNA. Jos ajattelee tuollaista tavallista SNY-pakettia, paino tuskin ylittää 500g niin hinta on 6,10 egeä Eurooppaan ja 7 egeä muualle maailmaa. Että terveisiä vaan koto-Suomeen, jossa aina valitetaan postin hinnoista ;P Onnellisia ootte!

Ja flunssa pääsi hiipimään taloon, nenä valuu ja eilen särki joka paikkaa niin maan perusteellisesti. Kaupan päälle parina viime päivänä on ulkona ollut -10 tienoilla lämpötila, joten sisälläkin alkaa pikkuhiljaa viiletä. Aika kaivaa öljylämmitin esiin, taikka vaihtoehtoisesti viettää kaikki aika vessassa, jossa on lattialämmitys.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Another death in the house & a miracle

The death:

Last friday I was washing clothes to be worn the next day at our knitting group's julebord when our washing machine said "SKRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRK-IIIIII whor-whor-whor-whor" and stopped. After some careful poking (and kicking and cursing), we deducted it was dead. I suggested a repair-person, but after SO checked what sort of prices one might expect, we went to the local Elkjøp instead... Our dear old Margherita had already reached the ripe age of over 10 years, so undoubtedly she wouldn't have had much more time left after repairs anyway. So, tomorrow we will be getting a new Candy - I guess that counts as an early christmas present.

The miracle:

Today SO was clearing the living room table, held up a ball-band and ASKED if he could throw it away! Apparently he is beginning to gain some insight into the secret life of yarn, because he obediently handed it over when I said "No" and said a bit sheepishly that he knew I might need some numbers from it or whatever. Aww, so cute...

On a completely other note, I've been swamped with gift-knitting. So far I've done 5 pairs of wristies, 0.8 right glove (frogged), almost-a-whole-shawl and am still facing at least 1 hat and 1 pair of gloves. I am so looking forward for the end of December and My Own Projects again.

Huoh, perjantaina kuoli pesukone. Kypsään, yli 10 vuoden ikään ehtineenä sitä tuskin enää kannattaisi alkaa korjaamaan, joten kävimme ostamassa uuden Elkjøp/Gigantista. Huomenna saa taas pestä pyykkiä kun uusi Karkki tulee kotiin... Siihen ne joululahjarahat sitten menikin ;P

Ukko saapi tänä vuonna Tali-Ihantala 1944 ja Raja 1914 -leffat, ne kun ehtisin jo tilata ja paketoidakin. Ja ennen kuin kukaan ennättää kysyä - ei, se ei ymmärrä suomea. Molemmista löytyy supparit enkuksi :)

Ihmeitäkin tapahtui: tänään olkkarin pöytää tyhjennellessään ukko kysyi, saako lankavyötteen heittää pois. Kuulemma osasi odottaa vastausta (ei), kun on jo oppinut että niissä on jotain tärkeitä numeroita :D

Muuten ei ole ollut aikaa sitten tehdä mitään muuta kuin lahjoja, oispa jo koko joulu ohi >_<

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Today my mouse died. Well, actually it died yesterday, but it was pronounced dead today after lengthy experimenting on possible life signs.

My mouse was a Razer Copperhead, anarchy red, and he was much loved.


(yesterday the lights went out and after that, my PC would boot only with insane lag - POST-test took like 5 minutes and I never got past GRUB. today on closer examination - open chassis, take everything out, start experimenting, close chassis, experiment with USB-devices - the fault was narrowed down to my previously trustworthy Razer.)

Monday, December 1, 2008

One of THOSE days / taas yksi NIISTÄ päivistä...

So, in the morning my bf told me before he left the house that there was a note on the door saying the water would be off for a while today when they were changing the meter.

A bit later, as I was loading up the washing machine, I thought to myself when the water would be back so I could brush my teeth. And then I turned the washing machine on.

Wait. WHAT?

(it was okay, the water was back on. but still... duh.)

Aamulla ukko kertoi ennen lähtöään, että ovessa oli lappu joka kertoi, että vesi olisi päivällä hetken aikaa poikki mittarinvaihdon vuoksi.

Hiukan myöhemmin pyykkikonetta täyttäessäni mietiskelin, että koskakohan olisi taas vettä että voisi pestä hampaansa. Ja sitten laitoin pyykkikoneen päälle.

Hetkinen. SIIS MITÄ?

(no ei se mitään, vesi oli takas päällä - mutta silti.. voi perkele että voi ihminen olla tyhymä! ja tuli hiukan flashbackia siitä vuoden takaisesta kotivisiitistä Nokialle kun kauhistuneena tajusin, että olin juuri pessyt hampaani hanavedellä. onneksi oltiin puhtaalla puolella...)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I read (or rather, listened to as an audiobook) Neil Gaiman's Coraline a while back - it was guaranteed entertainment, as Gaiman always is. Today, I came across Wendy's post about her surprise gift.

Ended up finding some keycodes to the Coraline stopmotion movie page.

It looks A.W.E.S.O.M.E.

we have teeth and we have tails
we were here before you fell
you will be here when we rise

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sock yarn doesn't count!

Now, everyone **knows** sockyarn doesn't really count in your stash, so technically my stash did NOT just grow by 7 skeins of lovely Danish merino-blend...

[Ravelry-link for the yarn]

210m/50g skein, 30 sts/10cm, bought from about 22,13 NOK per skein + postage. Thinking of Frankensocks from Fall08 Knitty or some such ^_^

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Clematis Vine socks

Clematis Vine Socks by Cat Bordhi (Ravelry-link)

Yarn: Novita Nalle Colori purple shaded and Novita Nalle off-white
Needles: 3.0mm circs, 2-at-a-time magic loop
Size: 9''

Made for my SO's grandmom, who turns 80 in December. Breaks my heart to gift these away though, I am loving them!Call me crazy but I kinda like the way these socks look from the wrong side as well :D

Friday, October 31, 2008

If ya'll all excuse me...

... I have a world to save.

From Piquantpurls

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Post-shawl hangover pt 2

I finally got around photographing the Shetland Triangle I finished ages ago... The yarn is wonderful 100% silk thread from Colourmart namely
ColourMart Silk 4/56NM Lace Weight. I should have asked them to wound it double as the single strand was really, REALLY thin and I ended up doing I think 18 or something repeats more than the pattern called for :D Anyway, it is beautiful and is serving now as my autumn-scarf as it's not yet cold enough for the woolen ones.



It is pretty isn't it...

Post-shawl hangover

I feel like beginning a new project, but I'm swamped with existing WIPs, 2 of which are meant for gifts too. This is annoying limbo-state that I always get after a larger project - ideas whirling in my head but nothing actually catching on, hands restless but really nothing that I fancy doing.

Oh well, I made a few quickies during / after the shawl:

Short wristies for an etsy-customer from Gjestal Baby Ull

And Drops 104-4 felted slippers from Eskimo

Before felting

Before felting

After felting in the washing machine

After felting in the washing machine

The pattern wasn't too good, the slippers were left quite bulky on top of the toes and the seams are thick - will prolly end up snipping them off carefully. I used 200g of yarn, 2 skeins of both colors, and it was a close call, used up all of it.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Wedding Shawl...

Pattern: Large Rectangle in Leaf and Trellis pattern by Jane Sowerby (from Victorian Lace Today)
Final size: 66cm x 185cm (26'' x 73'')

Frantic knitting began 30th Sep and finished 18th Oct - enough time to pack it and send it to Finland. Phew... Quite nice a pattern, only problems I had was with the border pattern: just could not memorize it until three quarters of the border was knitted.

Clicky on pictures to get bigger versions!

Border almost done - reunus melkein valmis

Corner before blocking - kulma ennen blokkausta

Border close-up - lähikuva reunuksesta

Finished shawl before blocking - valmis huivi ennen blokkausta

Washed and blocked - pesty ja blokattu

Mmmm, pretty...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wedding shawl / Häähuivi

Friend of mine decided to order a wedding shawl from me with a bit of a tight schedule (1 month), so everything else is now hibernating while I try a mile-a-minute speed with the shawl.

Kaveri tahtoipi tilata häähuivin hiukka kireällä aikataululla (1kk), joten muut projektit ovat jäissä samalla kun tikutan menemään mahdollisimman nopeasti...

Yarn/lanka: ColourMart Cashmere Cobweb Weight undyed 2/40 (wound as 2ply, kartiolla kaksinkertaisena)
Pattern/malli: Large Rectangle in Leaf and Trellis pattern by Jane Sowerby from Victorian Lace Today.
Needles/puikot: Addi Lace 4mm.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

New projects - uusia rojekteja.

On the needles at the moment / Puikoilla :

Apres Surf Hoodie for me from Sandnes Lanett (this was on sale @ Jens Hoff, 24 nok per skein).

Itselleni Apres Surf Hoodie Lanetista, jota löytyi alennusmyynnistä 24 nok (2,94eur) per kerä.

From Piquantpurls

Åge-Johan's grandmom turns 80 in December, and she is getting some knitted presents from us. Clematis Vine Socks from Novita Nalle Colori.

Åge-Johanin mummo täyttää 80 joulukuussa, joten puikoilla on parikin projektia lahjaksi. Tässä Clematis Vine Socks Novita Nalle Colorista.

From Piquantpurls

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dress forms / tee-se-itse mallinukke

I've been meaning to make a DIY dress form for a few years now, but never gotten around to do it. Instead of the usual duck-tape model, here is an alternative from paper tape and another.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Deb's babyshower was yesterday - for a non-baby person it was a bit of a shock ;P Oh well, food was good and Diane was kind enough to give me a ride. In addition to the blanket we are making her, she got an Angel's nest from me.

Pattern: Comfy Angel's Nest
Yarn: Novita Samos Lollipop
Needles: 5.5mm circ + dpns

Also attached was a card - suitably pink as well ;P

Penquin-origami can be found from -> Unique -> Penquins

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Oh dear fking god I hate Windows. Without much thought I let the automagik updates download and install SP3, I mean, it's been out for a while now. Seemed to be a very bad idea, especially for an AMD-based computer. So I spent the morning and afternoon trying to get the computer to actually boot up into Windows instead of getting into endless reboot-sequence. After pulling out all USB-devices, digging up old PS/2-mouse and keyboard (now I'm glad of my hampster nature...) I finally got Windows booted and got on to saving files. After few attempts it seems that connecting any USB-device will cause Windows to fail again, even after System Restore to earlier point.

Sooo... Doing some more file rescuing and then tomorrow it's the happy "Hey let's spend the day redoing all of our Windows installs, wee!" -day.
